5 Things I now know from my past

Stephanie Chemutai
3 min readFeb 12, 2021

Life, in my opinion, is very obscure. The only thing we are certain about is our past. We often dismiss our pasts with statements along the lines of “the past can never be changed or erased”.

Well, it is true. There is little to nothing we can do to change the past. But I believe we can always look at it in retrospect, and somehow, learn from it for the sake of our future or better yet, teach others so as to prevent making the same mistakes (especially younger generations).

Personally, I have made mistakes and succeeded in some aspects of my life -especially during my teenage years- that I wish I knew well to avoid or do better.

Here are five things I would tell my younger self.

1. It’s okay to make mistakes

We, unfortunately, grow up with the pressures from our immediate families, friends, society and life in general, that we should do things a certain way. Almost as if our lives have always been mapped out and unwritten rules govern our behaviors and choices. But how else were we supposed to learn? Through mistakes! If I had a chance to speak to my younger self, I’d tell her to make as many mistakes as possible but Learn from it.

2. Forgive

Now let me tell you! I was the queen of pettiness back in high school. Sis was able to not speak to a classmate even for two years! Ha! Looking back, I wonder how I was able to keep up with such toxicity. If you’re that type of person, I implore you to let go of that bad side of you. It’s not good for you or the people you constantly interact with. And at the end of the day, you’re simply wasting your time as it adds no value to you.

3. Be confident

I can not stress how strongly I feel about this point. In my life, I have seen people, myself included, miss on amazing chances. On the flipside, I have done things that I equally failed at but was proud of myself for having the confidence to even try. I remember one time in high school, we had an impromptu public speaking competition. We had not practiced let alone even known what topic was to be spoken about because we were informed on short notice. I decided, to jump on the opportunity, and obviously, I was not able to perform well. At the end of the day, I earned a certificate of participation, which I was very proud of. So, my advice would be, go for it! That job, that opportunity or goal you have been wanting to crush! Go! Go! Go!

4. Get better at saying no

My dear, if you feel uncomfortable or are plainly unwilling to do something, simply say a big, fat, juicy NO! No matter who or what is in question. We can only prove our integrity to ourselves first, before anyone else. That is where my previous point comes in. Be confident, know your worth and simply do not do that which you’re not happy to do. We have people in our lives who take advantage of us by virtue of their ranks in our lives. Be it parents, teachers, bosses or people in higher positions than us. It is not wrong to disagree with them because they are humans too, and obviously, man is to error. So, with dignity, grace and respect, learn to say NO.

5. Give your absolute best every day

I have personally, lost a life-changing opportunity, simply because I didn’t give my best at whatever I was doing. When we are young, some of us do not see the value of opportunities presented to us, up until we miss it. Unfortunately.

I think it is important to give your best even with tasks that may seem so mundane. Give it your all and even if it may not reward you materially, you will definitely earn something for yourself whether it is peace, happiness or satisfaction.

Well folks, I hope you got something out of this article and if not, I hope you were, in the least, entertained.

Stay safe

Be kind

Be confident




Stephanie Chemutai

Life is for the living! enjoy while it still lasts🦋😊